Allah allah allah, yete maza wallah
Allah allah allah, aese khandar wallah
Allah allah allah, aese manzerath wallah
Waele gasev waele gasav, Nishat kuen wael gasav
Waele gasev waele gasav, Nishat kuen wael gasav
Waele gasev waele gasav, Nishat kuen wael gasav
Waele gasev waele gasav, Nishat kuen wael gasav
Taete sabzaar te yete maaze wallah
Allah allah allah, yete maza wallah
Allah allah allah, aese khandar wallah
Allah allah allah, aese manzerath wallah
Waele gasev waele gasav Pahalgam kuen wael gasav
Waele gasev waele gasav Pahalgam kuen gasav
Waele gasev waele gasav Pahalgam kuen wael gasav
Waele gasev waele gasav Pahalgam kuen wael gasav
Taete hawa saaf te yete maaze wallah
Allah allah allah, yete maza wallah
Allah allah allah, aese khandar wallah
Allah allah allah, aaese manzerath wallah
Waele gasev waele gasav Shalimar mar kuen waek gasav
Waele gasev waele gasav Shalimar kuen wael gasav
Waele gasev waele gasav Shalimar kuen wael gasav
Waele gasev waele gasav Shalimar kuen wael gasav
Taete nazare te yete maaze wallah
Allah allah allah, yete maza wallah
Allah allah allah, aese khandar wallah
Allah allah allah, aaese manzerath wallah

Credit: Samina Masoodi

Kashmiri Wedding Song Lyrics



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