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Nazneena yaare myeane ye chuh mulaqat
Ye chuh mulaqat-e-lagei, ye chuh mulaqat
Nazneena yaare myeane ye chuh mulaqat

Kansei hund jinaza wuthaan,

Kansei hunz baraat yewaan,
Kanh chu sada nale dewaan, kansei aasan manzeraat
Nazneena yaare myeane ye chuh mulaqat…

Gah mei korum chane chaney

Gah be drays kabele kranaei
Gah mei parem ashque gazal, gah mei parem monejat
Nazneena yaare myeane ye chuh mulaqat…

Zoon laege chuene jaran
Aaez pagah taete ghar te karan
Jaan baaz yete che naechaan, won te paaene zaate peth
Nazneena yaare myeane ye chuh mulaqat…

Chooth chaath meh chu ravaan,
Aeteshaduw ye chu mudah
Asel kaeth taere ne phekre, kaeth che wanan masawaat
Nazneena yaare myeane ye chuh mulaqat…

Lolae chuse loul baraan
Surat-al-Ikhlas paraan
Lola chanei chuse maraan, dohus gayem nesaf raat
Nazneena yaare myeane ye chuh mulaqat
Ye chuh mulaqat-e-lagei, ye chuh mulaqat…


  1. Saqib

    May 12, 2021 at 11:44 am

    Please add the lyrics for Yeli Aes Zindegani bey aes karaw mulakaat

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