Wasiye su myon dilbar, sheeren kalaam yee kar
Yaskun wichith tchlum sher, sui gul andaam yee kar

Yeena su yaari myoni, chal hai mei zooni gruhnei
Wandsey kabeel krooni, rozas gulaam yee kar
Wasiye su myon…

Kati loeg qaraar yaaras, yeena su yath shaharas
Rozas bei intezaaras, sozas salaam yee kar
Wasiye su myon…

Shaamas annum saalai, kormas mei dil hawaaley
Pheerith su drav kaalai, beloul aam yee kar
Wasiye su myon…



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  1. Lyrics Songs Hindi

    June 28, 2021 at 2:25 pm

    Nice Lyrics

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