Aakh cheez manghai be, yene karham zahn inqaar
Aakh cheez manghai be, yene karham zahn inqaar
Huethe yueth cheez managay ne be, bus mangaey akh poz pyaar
Aakh cheez manghai be, yene karham zah inqaar
Pyaar koer Shereen bey Farhaadan -Repeat
Pyaar koer Shereen bey Farhaadan -Repeat
Temaw koer dil dewaan
Aakh cheez manghai be yene karham zah inqaar….
Pyaar koer Laile bey Majnoonan …Repeat
Pyaar koer Laile bey Majnoonan…Repeat
Temaw koer paan qurban
Aakh cheez manghai be yene karham zah inqaar….

Credit: Samina Masoodi

Kashmiri Wedding Song Lyrics



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