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Lyrics of kashmiri song Zoonei menz

Zoonei menz ha dramich
Akha nari chuna
Beh kya kar zooni ne andar
Beh kya kar zooni ne andar

Yazman dramut yazman bhai nazre
aana toorich khaber
Yazman dramut yazman bhai nazre
aana toorich khaber
Be kaw lagit gasha
Ritza khabar anha
Beh kya kar zooni ne andar

Pufaji dramut pufiji nazre
aana toorich khaber
Pufaji dramut pufiji nazre
aana toorich khaber
Wechech na kanh ti
Be toot-e lagit gasha
ritz khaber anha

Majtoon dramut lali che nazre
aana toorich khaber
Be katij lagit gasha
ritz khaber anha

Bilalji dramut salmaji chui nazra
aana toorich khaber
tem ha tul mobile aisha booz khosh khaber
Beh kya kar zooni ne andar
Beh kya kar zooni ne andar


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