Mak’e Madinus baer che waethyay, naire laeteyay rauf karun
Dure chey haran noore lateyai, naire lateyay rauf karan
Aswen chekh aaese mateyay, kaes keth maas khus baran
Chavey daman farhaiteyay, naire lateyay rauf karan

Mak’e Madinus baer che waethyay, naire laeteyay rauf karun
Wyaes aes hai aay loel hateyay, koele sarus waen dewan,
Aeshke naray dade mateyay, naire lateyay rauf karan
Mak’e Madinus baer che waethyay, naire laeteyay rauf karun

Ashke sonder chaene rahmateyay, kaet ashik pairan
Wechte keteh maar gameteyay, nairee lateyay rauf karan
Maeke Madinus baer che waethyay, naire laeteyay rauf karan…

From Kaesher Khander Baeth book by Samina Masoodi



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