Baha yaare lagay, begum nawas
Che yaare shube mubarak, tathe yaare shube mubarak
Dubaare wechnes chuem choen hawaes, che yaare shube mubarak,
Tathe yaare shube mubarak
Baha yaare …
Ishmete nishpaeshe travthes baikas, rishi chane dushman sapdum dos …Repeat
Ishmete nishpaeshe travthes baikas, rishi chane dushman sapdum dos …Repeat
Rishi chane dushman dos …Repeat (fast)
Sa-te gom ishke naar, kithe mashrawas
Che yaare shube mubarak, tathe yaare shube mubarak
Dubaare wechnes chuem choen hawaes, che yaare shube mubarak, tathe yaare shube mubarak
Baha yaare ……
Maramate marqus maz mande- chawakh, maare paan yaare muen buzeth na zaeh …Repeat
Maramate marqus maz mande- chawakh, maare paan yaare muen buzeth na zaeh …Repeat
Maare paan yaare muen buzeth na zaeh …Repeat
Tave maenz be lazthes, harness tapas
Che yaare shube mubarak, tathe yaare shube mubarak
Dubaare wechnes chuem choen hawaes, che yaare shube mubarak, tathe yaare shube mubarak
Baha yaare ……
Sone kane duran mokte jarnawas, sokhte gom pokhte kar aaham ne zanh …Repeat
Sone kane duran mokte jarnawas, sokhte gom pokhte kar aaham ne zanh …Repeat
Sokhte gom pokhte kar aaham ne zanh…Repeat
Sone haer palanges, khoer garnawas
Che yaare shube mubarak, tathe yaare shube mubarak
Dubaare wechnes chuem choen hawaes, che yaare shube mubarak, tathe yaare shube mubarak
Baha yaare …



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