Poet gov potey toosas baav
Maatay kooree thaknav
Dor kar varuv malun trav
Maatay kooree thaknav
Mummy maine pancha set…Repeat
Mummy maine pancha set
Bankas manz chus doadlach net
Bankas manz chus doadlach net
Waren waein chas soozan grav
Matay koore thaknav…Repeat

Daddyus mainis sadah suit
Daddyus mainis sadah suit
Sadhan dohan sadath booth
Sadhan dohan sadath booth
Suhai chuy lagan phetmech khrav
Matay koree thaknav…Repeat
Malenen maenen mohnev sooch
Malenen maenen mohnev sooch
Vatan chips kuthen gatch
Vatan chips kuthen gatch
Mummy wantay hoer badlav
Matay koore thaknav…Repeat

Chipse haeren peath lagom khoont
Chipse haeren peath lagom khoont
Warev ghare chum youet poont
Warev ghare chum youet poont
Malinuk pulhor mai mashrav
Matay koore thaknav…Repeat

Me aes filmaan chakran hael
Me aes filmaan chakran hael
Maate khotem baede bael
Maate khotem baede bael
Waren vene chey karan graw
Matay koore thaknav…Repeat


From Kaesher Khander Baeth book by Samina Masoodi



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