Dimyo dilas gandyo alas paertho gilas kulne tal

Dimyo dilas gandyo alas paertho gilas kulne tal

                                                                Paerthow gilas kulne tal

Lai phali myeani waltho khaas

     Paerthow gilas kulne tal              Paerthow gilas kulne tal

Lole chani lalwan puafe tai maase  wanwaan drai moi yemberzal            

Lole chani lalwan puafe tai maase wanwan drai moi yemberzal    

Wanwan drai moi yemberzal

 Truati man gariyo lati tai khaase          

Paerthow gilas kulne tal                 Paertho gilas kulne tal

Dimyo dilas gandyo alas paertho gilas kulne tal

Yor ha aayes chani akhlaase  and wand roze mea cheani kal

Yor ha aayes chani akhlaase and wand roze mea cheani kal

And wand rozi mea cheani kal               And wand rozi mea cheani kal

Maam laal oyi tai dimyo dilas

Paertho gilas kulne tal

Dimyo dilas gandyo alas

Paerthow gilas kulne tal




Added by

Nabeena Nabi


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